Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in learning more or opting-in to our services?

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Dayblink GPO process and its benefits for hoteliers.
What is a group purchasing organization (GPO)?
DayBlink GPO is the largest global luxury hospitality sourcing provider for independent hotels. Our elite sourcing professionals act as an extension of your purchasing department and pull from our membership of over 1,100+ hotels to increase your buying power and get you the best rates possible.
What is a group purchasing organization (GPO) and how are they financed?
A GPO utilizes the collective purchasing power of its members to combine volume and negotiate discounts with suppliers. GPOs work with suppliers to negotiate favorable rates and terms for their member base. To enable independent hotels to stay independent, DayBlink GPO passes zero costs to hotels and only receives compensation directly from their partner suppliers.
How much does this service cost? (Is it REALLY free?)
Yes, it’s really free (see the question above to learn how we get paid). Become a member today at zero cost. LINK
How do I join DayBlink GPO?
Simply fill out this quick form , and we’ll contact you to schedule a call about our services to make sure we’re a strong fit. Then we deliver a contract that allows us to create deals and negotiate on your behalf (and ensures our services are free to you). Once the contract is signed, you let us know what deals you’d like to take part in and we take care of the rest.
What do I get when I join?
DayBlink GPO covers multiple regional areas to ensure that your company’s purchasing requirements are met with the best value options. You choose the deals you want, and ignore the ones you don’t.
I’m a supplier. How do I join?
Ready to expand your reach?  Simply fill out this form and we’ll contact you if we’re a good fit.
How do I access the current and upcoming deals? Will I be notified?
We keep members up-to-date on the latest with GPO. If you are not a member and what like to see what’s new inside DayBlink GPO, checkout our “What’s New” page or contact us for more information.
Will using a GPO affect the uniqueness of my luxury hotel?
While we are focused on getting the best deals on all spend categories, hoteliers are able to pick and choose individual categories to maintain the individuality of your hotel.
We have had our supplier relationships for numerous years and are not really looking for a change in quality. Why should I use a GPO?
The benefit of a GPO is not just to reduce the cost of your existing spend, but to also look for new opportunities that either increase efficiency of everyday functions or increase quality of the products that you use. If you are not able to find specific opportunities that fit for you right now, our vendor managers will make sure to keep an eye out for applicable opportunities.
Do I have to be a luxury hotel to participate?
Currently, we are focused on providing services targeting the luxury hospitality market but we will be identifying other opportunities in the near future.
After I opt-in, what is the policy on opting-out?
If you would like to opt-out of an existing master contract, please contact your vendor manager to discuss the off-boarding process.